CIO-CS | Chief Information Officer -
Commodities and Solutions
What is CIO-CS?
CIO-CS is a 5-Year plus 5-year option multiple award indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) GWAC, with a $20 billion contract ceiling. Customers may use the contract for everything IT in support of the Federal Enterprise Architecture, the Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture and the Federal Health Architecture.
Every IT commodity you can think of, any IT commodity-enabling solution you can imagine, can be procured through the CIO-CS contract. CIO-CS Contract Holders, such as Norseman, have delivered innovative and secure commodity solutions for agencies across the federal government and initiatives as diverse as Cloud Computing, Cyber Security and Mobility. We also have the latest cloud collaboration tools including email, SharePoint, video/web conferencing, custom social networks, wikis, microblogs, CRM, IM and more.
CIO-CS uses an easy-to-use, secure web-based e-GOS system for automated delivery order competition, management, awardee selection and notification. There are no special “Delegations of Procurement Authorities”, is required by NITAAC, and the Customer Support Center provides 1-hour response to any contractual, technical or procedural question customers may have.
Norseman Defense Technologies was awarded a prime contract by NITAAC for the CIO-CS Contract in 2015. Norseman aims to continue the traditions of attention to detail and outstanding customer service to which customers have grown accustomed using the CIO-CS Contract.
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